About the C-PROGRESS Pilot Studies Program

C-Progress funds pilot studies that support pediatric rehabilitation research that likely leads to a clinical trial.

Current funding opportunities

  • Check back funding opportunities

Previous Pilot Studies Award Recipients

C-PROGRESS has awarded three groups of Pilot Study recipients since 2020. Learn more about their novel pilot studies and research questions.

Meet the 2024 Pilot Studies Recipients
Meet the 2023 Pilot Studies Recipients
Meet the 2022 Pilot Studies Recipients
Meet the 2021 Pilot Studies Recipients
Meet the 2020 Pilot Studies Recipients


C-PROGRESS has allocated up to $150,000 per year toward its Pilot Studies Program.

Review Process

The American Association on Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) assists in announcing, reviewing, and scoring the Pilot Studies. Final funding decisions are made by the C-Progress team, with input and approval from the independent National Advisory Board.


Interested in learning more? Please contact Dr. Darragh at amy.darragh@osumc.edu for more information about the C-PROGRESS Pilot Studies Program.

Email Dr. Darragh

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